Wellington: On the final day of Sikyong Penpa Tsering’s official engagement in New Zealand on Friday, 16 June, he met Friends of Tibet, Nyingjey Charitable Trust and Dharma students at the National Library of New Zealand in Wellington. He addressed the gathering on Tibet issue, the critical situation inside Tibet under the Chinese government’s policies aimed at eradication of Tibetan identity, Tibet’s environment, and the importance of Tibetan religion and culture. Sikyong also thanked them for their longstanding support to the Tibetan movement.
In the afternoon, Sikyong paid a visit to the Parliament in Wellington. The visit also included a luncheon meeting with members of parliament from different political groups organised by MP Simon O’Connor, National Party Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Co-Chair of Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China.
MP James McDowall of the ACT political party attended the meeting and MP Helen White of the Labour Party alongside MP Golriz Gharaman of the Green Party virtually joined the meeting. During the meeting, Sikyong raised the present critical situation inside Tibet, repressive measures imposed by the Chinese government to erode Tibetan identity, the importance of protecting Tibetan religion and culture, and environment. He also stressed urging the New Zealand PM to raise the issue of Tibet.
Sikyong was accompanied by OOT Canberra Representative Karma Singey.
The visit also included a brief tour of the parliament. Sikyong will leave for Sydney, Australia, at dawn tomorrow.
Article source: https://tibet.net/sikyong-penpa-tsering-meets-new-zealand-mps-before-concluding-maiden-visit/